Tag: strength

Changing base
Each new day holds strength, knowledge, skills, experience and possibilities. Yesterday will never be yesterday, but so much....

Geniuses at finding excuses
We are absolute geniuses when it comes to making excuses for ourselves. If anyone is to blame, it's certainly not us... Even if.....

By choosing knowledge, we choose power
Time gives us tens of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of opportunities. We choose, we make mistakes. We make and allow mistakes. We do not choose…

Waterfalls: Inner Calm
Some kind of special pleasure I get from the views of #waterfall. I can't say that it is some kind of rapture, rather the opposite... some inner calmness....

Ludistochka: Moscow format
Another place to get lost. In a good way. Pavilions with different kinds of products, interactive stages, artists and...

Relationships are the power of two
I don't want to love. I don't want to be loved. In my understanding of the world, this feeling has no specific characteristics, parameters,...