Tag: chance

Life without hurry
In these bygone years since the day of new life, second chance and the gift of fate, I block out the habit of rushing anything every time....

By choosing knowledge, we choose power
Time gives us tens of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of opportunities. We choose, we make mistakes. We make and allow mistakes. We do not choose…

A moment of eternity: take your chance!
Dark and even black nights. I remember that I used to be unable to fall asleep for a long time, running hundreds of thoughts, ideas and... in my head.

Autumn beauty of Murmansk
Still, it was hasty to consider those days "Indian Summer" when we had a warm weekend a couple weeks ago. Today is a real...

A life without "swings" and dramas, to know tomorrow with confidence and peace of mind. To be with a man, to know that he is....

The real and the illusory
A pleasant and very beautiful voice may hide a mediocre appearance. Under the brightly colored package with an incredibly realistic picture, there may be a heterogeneous...