
0 %
Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
  • City:
  • Age:
    41 years old
  • Education:
  • Family:
  • Kids:
Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
  • Staff training
  • Sales techniques
  • Cash discipline
  • Inventory

Tag: step

Simpleton or proud? Steps to meet
03.08.2022 / Thoughts
Simpleton or proud? Steps to meet

Probably, in order not to seem like a simpleton or a simpleton, you go to principles, create some rules. Suddenly your sense of self-worth is heightened and....

Шаг к успеху: борьба с сомнениями
05.05.2022 / Thoughts
Шаг к успеху: борьба с сомнениями

О решительности. Сомнения и готовность сделать шаг – борьба в головах многих. Что порождает сомнения? Страх! При этом страх является…

20 лет после! Новый этап в моей жизни
19.09.2021 / Thoughts
20 лет после! Новый этап в моей жизни

And so after almost 20 years, I took a new step for myself into a new, previously unexperienced by me. In general, the number...

Experiments with the inner world: success
24.02.2021 / Thoughts
Experiments with the inner world: success

I've been thinking about it and decided to experiment a bit with my inner world of emotions, wants, experiences... An incredibly interesting pattern of actions is emerging, which...

Evil shit
27.09.2020 / Thoughts
Evil shit

Not to be called a kind word... affectionate and plush. No! No touching or eye contact. There's something wrong, something suspicious.

The noise of thoughts and the silence of the heart
27.08.2020 / Thoughts
The noise of thoughts and the silence of the heart

To find the answer to any question... To understand the actions of everyone and everything..... Why does a man need a man? Is absolute sincerity real? How to treat words...?