Tag: step

Simpleton or proud? Steps to meet
Probably, in order not to seem like a simpleton or a simpleton, you go to principles, create some rules. Suddenly your sense of self-worth is heightened and....

Шаг к успеху: борьба с сомнениями
О решительности. Сомнения и готовность сделать шаг – борьба в головах многих. Что порождает сомнения? Страх! При этом страх является…

20 лет после! Новый этап в моей жизни
And so after almost 20 years, I took a new step for myself into a new, previously unexperienced by me. In general, the number...

Experiments with the inner world: success
I've been thinking about it and decided to experiment a bit with my inner world of emotions, wants, experiences... An incredibly interesting pattern of actions is emerging, which...

Evil shit
Not to be called a kind word... affectionate and plush. No! No touching or eye contact. There's something wrong, something suspicious.

The noise of thoughts and the silence of the heart
To find the answer to any question... To understand the actions of everyone and everything..... Why does a man need a man? Is absolute sincerity real? How to treat words...?