Tag: heart

Interest and attraction
About desires, habits, interests... these are all ingredients of something long good. What makes fatigue, passion and desire disappear? It is the mystery...

Idealization of man: myth or reality?
Does the phrase "wound straight to the heart" really apply? To what extent can one trust without looking back and overlook the obvious....

Sources of inspiration
А что для вас является источником вдохновения? Эмоциональный подъём тут же скатывается в низы при виде шаблоностей и избитых форм,…

Pulse of Life
There is some kind of indicator that tells you the correct, or rather ideal, heart rate during a workout. I remember that I even calculated it once.....

From emotion to cosine.
What makes your heart boil? I've been a proponent of the "steady state" for so long that I've never even considered where the...

Pain and passion
Such a deep and very strong feeling is experienced, perhaps, by everyone at least once in his life. Some are lucky enough to keep it in their memory,...