Tag: happiness

Life is what happiness is all about
Life is beautiful in any of its manifestations. Man is fortunately too confused a substance, which is rarely absolutely satisfied and with enviable...

Life on the twists and turns
Life is like a highway, like a highway on which it is impossible to drive at high speed all the time. And then... hit the floor...

To be strong, confident and go after what you want by going hard. To get everything you want so much. To be perfect, perfect and right....

A taste of the next step
It's a strange creature... Man! He is either simple to the point of elementary simplicity, or too damn complicated to understand and find any...

The theorem of human happiness
It's the sticky side of "habit." We can't quit smoking, we can't forget, fall out of love, give up and not remember. Why?....

Love: the triple layouts
If there are always two sides to a coin, then in love there are always three layouts... yes, yes, as in the game, as with...