Tag: decision

The value of experience: Share!
Life.... is so long at first, and then it gets shorter and shorter with each passing year. No, not by a year, but by feeling.....

From mistakes to victories
How long would you like to keep doing something without making mistakes?! The taste of luck, of the right decision, is only tasted with mistakes. The funny thing is.

Now, if only then.
We curse the past, do not know the future and are dissatisfied with the present... This is probably the key. I mean, where would the "if only..." come from?

A life without mistakes is impossible
There are no rules, formulas, and the only true solutions, choices... truth. Truth - falsehood... I wish I could find that algorithm of actions, learn to think....

A person, a unity, a place
Sunsets, dawns, events, facts, occasions, reasons, reasons, emotions, feelings, deeds, decisions, words.... people! Everyone is different! A mood of constant euphoria, as well as oppression, ....

Changing colored lenses: age and experience
Always doubt everything or live in rose-colored glasses, believing in a miracle! Age, his experience gradually replace colored lenses on...