Tag: reaction

Thinking and social response
Thinking. Standard, generic thinking that leads to one outcome - a socially expected response. It's not about a specific case. In general: at...

Take it as it comes.
Perhaps everything has a cause, and every cause has an effect. Every action has a motive, and every reaction has a...

Start with yourself
The cause, source and object of many "problems" and grievances is the same person - you. more than once I have said,....

Silence and unanswered questions
Have you ever asked yourself the question, "what's wrong"? Often a lot of things from the first person seem perfectly normal, smooth and, like...

Игра ролей в общении
You can't please everybody. Yes, you can! But do we have to... We adjust to each person we interact with. Every single one of them.

Who's to blame for the relationship
Green or lettuce, right or wrong - so many opinions and conversations about tastes and preferences. Then, suddenly, faced with....