Tag: development

Time changes
Over the years, we change. Yes! It's not only and not so much about appearance, but also internally and emotionally....

Time and fickle thoughts
Time is irretrievably floating away right before your eyes. Inevitably, the day you add a year to your life, you remember yourself n years ago. Today you...

Laziness and Development
And what's next... Have you asked yourself this question? For some reason this question is very closely associated with one interesting song - "Stupid". We, uh.

New vs. old: fear or developmental perspective?
The new is the well forgotten old. Or is it? Why is there a certain fear or apprehension of the new? More often it appears with age....

On the framework of technology and life
It's odd that I don't write about technology, software, and tech in general, though I think this topic is...

The path to excellence
To pump my life up to the level of "foreseeing" to understand and notice the moment of break and give it a proper assessment. In general, I would like to pump...