Tag: работодатель
/ Thoughts
Differences in emotion
Differences.... what different moods and emotions when looking at these photos. From gloomy gray to gently romantic. There is something that changes...
/ Thoughts
Extra people. My own people.
QUESTION: Superfluous people. Own people. Having heard a similar formulation once a few months ago, I was astonished. Of course, © "a matter of perception" to which...
/ Thoughts
Murmansk: sun and day off
Murmansk, sunshine and warmth... isn't that all a reason to have a day off?! By the way, some organizations do just that -...
/ Thoughts
Формула успеха: давать, а не требовать
Мне искренне нравится время, в котором мы живём. В первую очередь своими возможностями. Сегодня необычайно просто решить ту или иную…