Tag: work

The price of time: reassessing value priorities
Time that goes by so quickly has an incredibly high price. No... it's priceless! And just because it's not...

Работа – это действия и процессы, приводящие к результату. В своё время Ковид открыл поразительные возможности добиваться результатов, не посещая…

Little masterpieces
I have always admired and been fascinated by the large canvases of artists. In my head it was and still remains a mystery,....

Life without hurry
In these bygone years since the day of new life, second chance and the gift of fate, I block out the habit of rushing anything every time....

To look into the depths
My new project is launched, published and waiting for clients. The most unusual work I've ever had to take on... Mysticism, magic and something for...

Creativity: a life in the making
Create. We are truly realized, discovered and free when we create. The black as you see it, or exactly the same....