Tag: past

A memory of telephone times
I saw the same machine in my homeland. Eh... I wish I could experience that feeling now, when you throw 2 kopecks into the tray and.....

Loneliness criteria
Dozens of kinds of ways to connect and hundreds of people walking side-by-side with you today leave you alone. Why? Is it so cruel...

Between remembering and forgetting
I've been told so often that the past should be let go, but...realizing this, it's still hard for me. The past that is so hard to let go of....

The problems of time and the facets of happiness
The problems of the past and the present... this colossal difference. Today not the first, so the second is looking for a way to distinguish oneself, to be successful, fashionable and... visible....

Nostalgia for the Soviet past
When we think of the past, of childhood, of the Soviet time, then... I don't know about you, but I have a kind of warm and....

The Art of Desire
There was a popular saying in my childhood: "If you suffer long enough, you will get something". But I think differently now. All agony is...