Tag: progress

Work that cannot be completed - work on yourself! Any outcome and achievement requires fixing the result, when stability is the sign of a master....

Against addiction, I get high on the process.
I eat. As I was, so I remain opposed to habits in any form. I still want to learn and see what.....

Забота и любовь
Успеть. Сегодня мы живёт в такое время, когда умудрились увидеть и испытать на себе всё! От технологического прогресса до воин…

Progress or reversal
How quickly and easily we get used to delicious things. Comfortable as it may seem, one discovers. Here just yesterday I found myself in a...

The future of business
And the clouds thicken... people continue to disrupt, to work, to put themselves at risk. Companies lose profits and go bankrupt... Only a fraction of those....

The business of lazy evolution
It is amazing how differently a particular business can be run. Many people come to our country to make money, because money lies under their feet....