Tag: professional

20.06.2023 / Thoughts
Professionalism and rigidity
My morning starts with "5 letters." Infinitely respectful of professionals and proud to know them from different fields and...

05.08.2020 / Thoughts
From Power Athletic to Omega Fitness.
I remember my impressions from my first training session, which was in 2001 in Murmansk Power Athletic, behind the hotel "Sailor". Warm-up...

25.12.2019 / Thoughts
Back to training
Every time I happen to visit and participate in trainings, I involuntarily remember and it is difficult to subcutaneously feel that...

25.09.2019 / Thoughts
The Power of Rising Projects
People who start projects from scratch, losing them not of their own free will, and especially stupid people who are capable of creating something new,…