Tag: project

From idea to realization
And here's another project that is about to be launched. This time even something like a ToR has been presented, however....

A picture of dots: life and relationships
...and it's all about the little things. You and I always see the big picture... from the outside... from a distance. The big picture consists of.

Polishing projects: on the finishing line
Well, a few days later, the finish line... There is still a lot of time to spend to polish those irregularities, which, alas, ...

Saying goodbye to irrelevant projects
Many times we have seen situations where an extremely strong player, such as Google or Samsung, refuses to develop a particular...

Seal Day
A complete lack of any mood...I always have something to do m like 2 projects on the horizon, resuscitating blog content.....

Autumn moping
Too cloudy days... cloudy moods and desires. The gym and working out saves a little, but... no rest for the soul. Strangely enough, even a completed...