Tag: project

Идеальный день с коллегами
Потрясающая погода стала идеальным дополнением к выходному дню, проведённому в кругу коллег. Не жарко, не холодно – такое бывает редко,…

To look into the depths
My new project is launched, published and waiting for clients. The most unusual work I've ever had to take on... Mysticism, magic and something for...

The modern world and opportunities for creativity
Work on your knees. The modern world gives an incredible amount of opportunities to "do", limiting us only by time. The quantity and quality of...

Project and prospects
Let's discuss the project and the prospects for business development in terms of lobbying for the integration of innovative technological processes. This is exactly the kind of proposal that comes to mind when...

Creativity in web design
One of my favorite and fascinating activities is #site development. A new or, we can say, another project is already at the finish line with polishing...

The path to success: faith and work
I've said many times and I'm still convinced: as you are to life, so it is to you. Sleepless nights and a sharp aching...