Tag: occasion

Happy smile
I don't know what's been happening to me lately, but I've been smiling more often. Just like that... in the void. It's a smile.

The mix continues
The mix continues and here I caught myself thinking that speeding up is much easier than stopping, slowing down. Is it in everything...

A person, a unity, a place
Sunsets, dawns, events, facts, occasions, reasons, reasons, emotions, feelings, deeds, decisions, words.... people! Everyone is different! A mood of constant euphoria, as well as oppression, ....

The force is near: forever together
If there is an occasion, it is a kind of "litmus test"...think about it! He only gives flowers on March 8th, birthdays, and....

Beauty without filters: the truth of life
By adding hues, colors, filters we strive to change reality... this saturation is starting to feel heavy. The real beauty of #withoutFilters, so behind them lies....