Tag: search

Morning mushroom quest
Somehow this year I've completely missed out on walks in the woods. The special vibe of looking for mushrooms, like something from childhood, is already...

Поиск ‘Своего Места’: Счастье в себе или в другом?
Зачем что-то, зачем человеку кто-то… почему человек всегда и всем недоволен, а радость и чувство удовлетворения так скоро сходят на…

Discovering new places
Не стал бы никогда Пилигримом, но вот побывать в его роли порой очень и очень хочется. Почему и отчего я…

The eternal search for meaning
Too narrow and simple. We fixate on one particular fact without going into details, making decisions and actions too one-sided....

Development through algorithms
I truly love intelligent people! The pleasure with which you listen to the thoughts and judgments of such a person, just restrains you and turns....

In the footsteps of the coffee blend
In search of your coffee. Now it's becoming more of an understanding of Robusta and Arabica blends. To a coffee addict, it seems to me, it is only #coffee...... that is principled