Tag: experience

Internal battles
Worries and internal wars like the weather May 24. Evaluating the rightness, choosing decisions or not to make them. A lot of questions:.

Real beauty without filters
Real. What if you add filters so people see beauty more clearly, emotion more vividly, and experiences more deeply! What if you hide behind...

Funny, subtle, pictures! )))
I think. I love paintings! Yeah, you probably won't believe this, but I love to laugh too. ))) There are tangles of neural threads in our heads.....

Thinking at night, writing in the morning
It's been so long since I've had one of these things happen, thoughts forming in my head into a coherent system... Topics for monologues are born that....

Empathy and empathy
Experience, empathy and compassion. What determines this or that reaction of a person, say, who has watched a documentary about the life of homeless children,...

The sound of the waves of Lake Ladoga
There are not enough topics and words to describe the experiences inside me that happen at the sight of this beauty. Different angles of moods #Ladoga Lake and......