Tag: response

22.11.2022 / Thoughts
Farewell, last rays
Counting days of the last rays of the #sun we will soon say goodbye to, but only for a couple months... or less. All in good time.

14.06.2021 / Thoughts
Thinking at night, writing in the morning
It's been so long since I've had one of these things happen, thoughts forming in my head into a coherent system... Topics for monologues are born that....

03.12.2020 / Thoughts
Arrogance and ignorance in society
Oh, Gods! And here you are on the 17th floor... above everyone else and looking down on others. You're obviously smarter, more experienced.

03.11.2020 / Thoughts
The beauty of sincerity
Doing something for nothing... It's so cool when you find yourself needed. Even if you're not good at something, your...

28.10.2020 / Thoughts
People's attitudes towards garbage and each other
Definitely not everyone who will read this post is aware of the latest stories in my feed... and it's very entertaining. В...