Tag: response

You know, when there's an answer to that question, even if it's always a simple one to me, things start to break down. If something's for something, the first one has....

Smiles and plans: my path to success
I don't know how it happens and what causes it, but I notice an atypical behavior for me - in...

Habits and change
I've always been bothered by the word "habit." For some reason it is associated with something bad, a negative connotation. In order not to get used to it, you have to alternate. Useful with...

A brain without a pause
I think. My brain can't choose to pause. To just stop and not do the calculations, not analyze, not draw conclusions,.....

Anarexia co-dependency: new concepts
Thank you, Ross Rosenberg for the amazing work on your book. For the wonderful examples of lives and destinies in which you recognize yourself. To...

Acknowledgments to Ross Rosenberg
Thank you, Ross Rosenberg for the amazing work on your book. For the wonderful examples of lives and destinies in which you recognize yourself. To...