Tag: mistake

Путь к ответам
Совсем скоро ты найдёшь ответ на любой свой вопрос. Необъяснимо, но понимание – это целый процесс, порой даже неосознанный. Время…

Right now is your chance!
"there's always better"... Still.... No! I don't want to stop and I won't stop! You know, you're gonna have to stop, and it's gonna be...

Know the value, be a better person.
I can. Often I have to analyze my actions and behavior, sometimes childish as hell and some downright clumsy. Is that right? I used to, uh.

Summer life audit
Get up and go. March promised to be tough on decisions and a willingness to make major changes, hardship, change. And so it did! Any ....

The perfect solution in life
The question of perception, mistakes, the relationship to time, the perfect - all topics that I run through my head time after time trying to...

Acknowledgments to Ross Rosenberg
Thank you, Ross Rosenberg for the amazing work on your book. For the wonderful examples of lives and destinies in which you recognize yourself. To...