Tag: fall

Forest weekend: mushrooms and blueberries
The last weekend of this summer was definitely worth spending in the woods... #poGrooms, as they say. And that's what a lot of people seem to think. Dozens upon dozens of cars...

Fall adventures and mushroom season
The last month of the # summer has arrived. You can already feel the fall in the air, but the sun is still warm in summer. Mushroom...

Осенняя хандрящая тренировка
Словно осень за окном… И какой-то осенней хандрой навевает. А может это старость? Ещё и #дождь… что дальше? Уже в…

It's a gloomy fall week
It's nearing the end of the work week again and what have I accomplished in the meantime? Amazingly, I haven't gotten enough sleep. At...

The peace and quiet by the lake
I can't find the right word for this photo... Very pleasant atmosphere, probably the photo can be called atmospheric. In my memory...

Autumn sunset: beauty and challenges
When people ask me if I love fall, my answer is always yes! Except that this fall is magnificent in its beginning and....