Tag: expertise

23.07.2020 / Thoughts
Pandemic: experiences and opportunities
First month, second month, third month... and now it's soon to be six months since the "crown" has kept the media, politics, business,...

17.07.2020 / Thoughts
Understanding through experience
Experience... We learn from our mistakes and that's all! Why? Why? I thought to pass on the experience to my children. But... no...

03.07.2020 / Thoughts
Choice and experience: a facet of life
What is life for? For experience? To pass it on to future generations? Except that everyone somehow or other learns from his...

27.03.2020 / Thoughts
Confrontations and triangles of fate
Confrontations of interests continue, someone changes the route, seeks new ways and actively fights, defends the position, rights, truth and views... Except that....

29.12.2019 / Thoughts
Is it worth it to think about and delve into these “woulds”? This most likely comes with experience, but… the obvious…