Tag: limitation

16.08.2023 / Thoughts
Start with yourself: life without limits
And you know, if you put the right acceleration in the right direction, something amazing can happen. Man has no limits! О...

15.05.2023 / Thoughts
Ограничения и удовольствие от отсутствия
Ограничения. Поколение потребителей уже даёт новое поколение, которое продолжает потребление в бо́льших количествах. Время даёт новый уровень качества, отсюда и…

13.04.2023 / Thoughts
The path to altitude: seeing and doing
See. Rules?! Is that what they're designed to be broken?! It's amazing, isn't it, that we push ourselves to take steps that.....

23.07.2020 / Thoughts
Pandemic: experiences and opportunities
First month, second month, third month... and now it's soon to be six months since the "crown" has kept the media, politics, business,...

22.06.2020 / Thoughts
Pre-summer fitness: time to get ready
The first third of summer is almost behind us and here it is, the second phase of removing the restrictions we will someday remember as history....