Tag: grade

Internal battles
Worries and internal wars like the weather May 24. Evaluating the rightness, choosing decisions or not to make them. A lot of questions:.

Life: evaluation, choice, timing
Again about life and math. Time... Your teenage years, when some 3 years seems like a heck of a long time and some part of your...

Exaggerated expectations
And here I catch myself thinking "is this /this/that/that really that good"? The system of ratings and grades, scores and.....

Assessments and opinions: a new experience
Since some time in my vocabulary tabulated some words, say: "don't want", "don't love".... also "forgot", but that's another story....

Simplicity is the best mechanism
I saw the movie "Tesla" yesterday and, going forward, I can give my assessment of the movie, which I was not impressed with. A solid 3 out of...

The path to excellence
To pump my life up to the level of "foreseeing" to understand and notice the moment of break and give it a proper assessment. In general, I would like to pump...