Tag: обновление
A fresh start
Life is endlessly interesting in its endeavors. And if you look at it that way. No! It's not the end of summer, it's...
Windows 11
Want the latest version of your operating system? No need to reinstall Windows, just upgrade! Gone are the days when we used to get used to the operating system....
Digital Language Shift
Digital Life. I've wanted to do this many times and for a long time...like constantly want to suddenly so - bam, and know English....
Цифровое обновление и переосмысление
Близится день, а скорее всё же два, цифрового обновления. Такой работой я оплачиваю себя время от времени: раз в год-полтора….
Being able to rest is important
You have to be able to rest, pardon the tautology. There is a kind of resonance inside me at such times, something prevents me from sitting on....
The year has gotten off to an amazing start
February was supposed to start with a digital refresh and ± everything contributed to that. Something made adjustments, moving the planned, but went in...