Tag: news

01.03.2021 / Thoughts
The contrasts of the first day of spring
The first day of spring started with some pleasant news, some not so pleasant events, some interesting surprises and great weather. Well, I hope it's...

11.01.2020 / Thoughts
Slowing innovation
Well, it's news time, which has been sorely missed. And now I'm not talking about any events around me, which, alas,....

28.06.2019 / Thoughts
Summer reflections
Time to summarize the first month of summer. Well... moods changed like the weather, news appeared like the sun from behind clouds and clouds....

14.06.2019 / Thoughts
The Knot of Events and Self-Knowledge
News and events are sometimes so tightly intertwined that you can't let go, run away or refuse. It's wonderful when everything...

02.04.2019 / Thoughts
Strength test
I don't understand why events are like this... Trouble does not come alone, and if there is news, then in abundance... from different....