Tag: laptop

Использование телефона
Удивительно насколько нерационально люди используют свои гаджеты… что ж далеко ходить – телефон. Сегодня это тот гаджет, который, пожалуй, минимально…

Two items from the Wishlist at a time
I never thought I'd be able to close two items on my Wishlist in one go. Yeah, it's really hard for me to pick...

On the framework of technology and life
It's odd that I don't write about technology, software, and tech in general, though I think this topic is...

Telephone and payment: problems and solution
The tech rebelled. And so, finally I waited for the lower loop, at the same time replaced the finger and the back cover... And I think, let me do a complete....

Updated doesn't mean new
Good is not always new. A checkup or a clean system allows you to look at your car in a new way. The car starts to drive somehow...

LG Gram 15 Upgrade
It was time to upgrade my laptop. And what a surprise I was when instead of the 8 Gb RAM...