Tag: tenderness

The power of words
Words. Just a few letters have incredible power, work miracles and save lives. In a different (I don't like the word "different") situation, the opposite is true.....

Autumn sunshine in Murmansk
Another portion of tenderness of the already autumn sun for Murmansk. Not the first weekend days turn out to be sunny. Today mommy celebrates her birthday....

Attraction and interest: enveloping attention
It is the most delicious whiskey, the most delicate gin and flavorful rum - the attraction and interest of man to man. Wrapped around each other...

Spring tenderness and attention
I hate to darken the day with my moods and looks, but... a day when girls don't have to demand or do anything for.....

The theorem of human happiness
It's the sticky side of "habit." We can't quit smoking, we can't forget, fall out of love, give up and not remember. Why?....

Cognition through time and deeds
They say you can tell the age of a tree by the rings on the cut. They also say that to know a person you have to divorce him or....