Tag: hope
Spring changes
Spring again. It's amazing how cyclical history is. Trouble does not come alone (so they say) and almost every spring there is...
The Path to Happiness
Into the void. We are all born good and created for happiness. Every step, every thought, every wish is for happiness. A cruel world,...
Strength and faith in love
If some lack the spark, what makes and keeps others? How different men and women are. It's amazing.
Beauty without filters: the truth of life
By adding hues, colors, filters we strive to change reality... this saturation is starting to feel heavy. The real beauty of #withoutFilters, so behind them lies....
Февраль: надежда на весну
Первые дни последнего месяца зимы выпали на выходные… проходят они на удивление в том виде режиме, как и положено выходным….
Сила стихов
Я в целом не люблю никакие праздники лишь по той причине, что слишком мало искренности в словах поздравлений, всё больше…