Tag: thought

Facilities and flights
A small #a airport, but still an order of magnitude more decent than Murmansk airport. Getting to the start of check-in was not a mistake, because there are such...

Journey and accomplishments
All in all, traveling by train is a pleasant experience. Here you can sleep, read, watch a long desired movie and... think about life....

Value in communication
And what is my own answer to this question I asked you? I'll start at the end. Perhaps we should keep--

The beauty of simplicity
I don't know why, but I love this photo....draws the eye in, immersing it in thought, pensive....Like rainy and chilly weather.....

The Art of Desire
There was a popular saying in my childhood: "If you suffer long enough, you will get something". But I think differently now. All agony is...

Fundamental comfort of choice
Tangled up in thoughts and reasoning about the rightness of the choice of decision making and the willingness to be, to live, to appreciate, to not love... That one sip....