Tag: мышление

Human resource
Peripatetic. I've ceased to be some kind of restless...next! And tomorrow?! What about tomorrow? I've got to make it! Which begs the question: Isn't it dangerous...

Thinking and social response
Thinking. Standard, generic thinking that leads to one outcome - a socially expected response. It's not about a specific case. In general: at...

Time and fickle thoughts
Time is irretrievably floating away right before your eyes. Inevitably, the day you add a year to your life, you remember yourself n years ago. Today you...

Events, colors and people
Amazing events, stunning colors and astonishing people are found in life. The way of thinking of some is so clear and transparent that one is struck by the similarities...

Values and perception
The topic of values... and yet how multifaceted is man, or rather his thinking. What for one person is a truism, for another - a mystery.....

Erudition versus degradation
It's amazing how addictive the television game "The Weakest Link" has proven to be. And here we go... 3 episodes in a row lasting ~40 min. as in 8...