Tag: museum

Events of the North
Events find us or we look for events... life is not built from anything else. The beauty of big cities is that....

Life is a wealth of stories
It's been a long time since I've used words like: don't love, don't want, don't know, don't believe, don't...

Touring museums: disappointment and discovery
Museum Trip. Museums were once long ago firmly associated with something historical. I've never liked history, but here, apparently, as...

Project and prospects
Let's discuss the project and the prospects for business development in terms of lobbying for the integration of innovative technological processes. This is exactly the kind of proposal that comes to mind when...

Life inside rocks
Life Inside. This # exhibit or #museum was an immersive experience for me. Still, there's something about going nowhere.....

Live Theater
Alive. And here I was finally convinced that the theater will never die! If there are any questions about the performance in terms of its...