Tag: marketing

18.09.2023 / Thoughts
История и современность: сходства и различия
Никогда не любил историю, а всё больше увлекает современность, технологии и маркетинг. При всём при этом особняком стоит #ВОВ и…

22.08.2021 / Thoughts
Doing business with your own hands: significance and recognition
Should, must. Flattery, praise... Much of what we desire remains unnoticed, and in some cases is perceived, but exclusively....

08.07.2020 / Thoughts
Quality of work and evolution of design
In our work we reflect ourselves... and once again the question of "quality", "perfection" and "pedantry" comes up. I remember the first time this happened.

30.04.2020 / Thoughts
Perspectives of QR code
Well, I've got my blog up and running! The basic design is partially in order and now it's the turn of the posts, the content...

05.06.2018 / Thoughts
Quality issue
Life without gadgets or other appliances, household items, clothes and in general everything that can be bought today does not seem...