Tag: луна
/ Thoughts
Under a starry sky in the north.
If I haven't lucked out with the northern lights so far, it's at the same place at the same time again.....
/ Thoughts
Bright moon and northern lights
A month ago, even with a larger CR index #Northern Lights were not so clear. Today the sky is absolutely clear - not a single cloud....
/ Thoughts
Autumn sunset: beauty and challenges
When people ask me if I love fall, my answer is always yes! Except that this fall is magnificent in its beginning and....
/ Thoughts
Подводный мир и астросъёмка
А ещё мне нравятся снимки под водой! Всё не типичное, всё необычное, что выходит за границы ожидаемого и стандартного. Шаблоны…