Tag: people

Life events: a test of naivety
Don't think? Believe? Hope? Events in people's lives that they look forward to happen for validation. Few people learn from mistakes......

Realism and humor vs. cruelty
I always put myself in the category of "realists" who don't get depressed about any, even "gray" moments and certainly...

Collective loneliness
Amazing but true: people nowadays are needles on the branch of a Christmas tree. Each one is separate from the other, although they coexist side by side....

The value of memories and the nuances of life
More and more often I remember yesterday, the months before, the years... the past. Places where I have not been for a long time, in my memory revive pictures of events,...

Весенняя красота
Весна проявляется не только в природе, но и людях. Этого ждали многие… конечно, я говорю о девочках. Как же мило…

The year has flown by
The year flew by... Bright flashes. Sadness for a moment and then fire again. A rush of events... without respite. Next year is either yours or mine....