Tag: forest

The limits of summer
Erasing the Borders.... where is the day that summer ended? It would be worth closing that very door firmly and tightly to keep the warm days on the...

Squirrel encounter: an unexpected twist
Spring... Oh! It's already summer, and I still can't believe it. Its first days were not the warmest, not...

A summer without a vacation
It's straight up I have to remember the last time I had a scheduled vacation... Although well, here it comes.....

Forest weekend: mushrooms and blueberries
The last weekend of this summer was definitely worth spending in the woods... #poGrooms, as they say. And that's what a lot of people seem to think. Dozens upon dozens of cars...

Self-love: a sincere emotion
Love. So many definitions, everyone has their own. You know what it means to love, but he doesn't love you like you love him....

Murmansk sunsets
Well, do such #zakat need processing and filters? Such a beautiful sky only in our country, because in the middle zone of the similar...