Tag: laziness

Internal battles
Worries and internal wars like the weather May 24. Evaluating the rightness, choosing decisions or not to make them. A lot of questions:.

Fighting laziness
Experience. Memory. Work. They say that everything comes with experience, and experience is gained by mistakes, and mistakes are obtained from.... and carried on! Main ...

Laziness and Development
And what's next... Have you asked yourself this question? For some reason this question is very closely associated with one interesting song - "Stupid". We, uh.

Fight laziness: the way to shape up
The hard ass workout is behind me, as is the 3 and a bit pounds of totally overweight. Uh-oh, and it's about to be a month since the...

The eternal struggle with Auntie Lazarus.
Every time, while waiting for free time, I plan to get busy sorting through the junk in the folders on my laptop and the pile of links...

Progress and the paradox of laziness
I've gotten a little off topic. And yet... speaking with job seeker marketers, I come to "quiet horror" at the....