Tag: beauty

Predictions and impressions
First hunt for the northern lights this year. The unprecedented forecast of 9 points made me hurriedly pack up and send rather...

Running squirrels and treats
Life is movement, and movement in life is a real pleasure! That's why # squirrels are the happiest of creatures. The only time when...

Autumn sunsets
And yet # Autumn has its pluses, and Murmansk has beautiful sunsets. More precisely to say - the sky... it is somehow special. It...

The magic of simplicity
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Is it? Among others in my phone are these shots, obviously taken at the moment of feeling...

The mystery of places without people
Little water. The waves have a special power. The rocks have a special beauty. The horizon has a special mystery. Where there are no people... where the sun is warm.....

Mix photography: beauty and diversity
The most complete mix, if it is correct and tactful to use such a word for this kind of photography. Beauty is everywhere! You can't always see it...