Tag: competition

27.01.2021 / Thoughts
Choice and truth: blue and red
Long enough ago to ripen a seed of thought about choice and truth settled in my mind. No, I'm not in favor of the strong and....

23.07.2019 / Thoughts
Development through algorithms
I truly love intelligent people! The pleasure with which you listen to the thoughts and judgments of such a person, just restrains you and turns....

03.07.2019 / Thoughts
Social networks died and networks grew up
Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp - Zuckerberg's brainchildren - died today. There are rumors that the Donald himself is credited for this. Well...

06.01.2019 / Thoughts
Эволюция технологий
Не так давно очередной раз услышал фразу: “Зачем сенсорный экран на ноутбуке”? Что значит зачем? Это не для чего-то, это…