Tag: coffee

Peace of mind and comfort on the road
I am truly a coffee addict... the 24-hour journey on the train gave me coffee withdrawal. There's plenty of it here, though...

Coffee everyday life in Apatity
A coffee addict, having gone hunting, could only get such boring prey, prepared by a soulless machine. If alcohol is eliminated from the body before…

Sunsets and fall coffee
A true Indian summer and more than perfect weather, if only for one "but" - a wind cool enough to walk without...

The beauty of simplicity
I don't know why, but I love this photo....draws the eye in, immersing it in thought, pensive....Like rainy and chilly weather.....

Love is like a drug
I am madly in love with #-rain, coffee and beautiful, professional and perfect. In the absence of a source of high, we have to either... We choose the alternative,.....

In the footsteps of the coffee blend
In search of your coffee. Now it's becoming more of an understanding of Robusta and Arabica blends. To a coffee addict, it seems to me, it is only #coffee...... that is principled