Tag: kilogram

01.02.2024 / Thoughts
Feelings behind the scores: the point of no return
Ранги, статусы, рейтинги, баллы, даты, килограммы, сантиметры и суммы… Множество метрик, которыми мы оперируем при выборе, а ещё чаще –…

22.06.2020 / Thoughts
Pre-summer fitness: time to get ready
The first third of summer is almost behind us and here it is, the second phase of removing the restrictions we will someday remember as history....

31.03.2020 / Thoughts
Three meals a day by day
It's time to put that popular joke into practice. We're switching to three meals a day: Monday-Wednesday-Friday. In four walls, you always want something to munch on... I remember....