Tag: frame

14.07.2023 / Thoughts
My first dive in the sea
Again. But new. This place leaves an indelible emotion inside me every time for a while. I can't figure out what it is.

01.09.2021 / Thoughts
Отдых в новом месте
Смена обстановки не только в том, чтобы куда-то уехать. Можно просто побывать в новом месте, где, словно свежий глоток воздуха,…

22.02.2021 / Thoughts
A sense of stagnation: the disappearance of dreams
And yes, again about something I've already discussed and said - boring. It's 2021 and boring is not....

21.02.2021 / Thoughts
The Last AstroShoot
Last one... Not a proponent of putting so many photos in different posts from the same thread. But this shot just shows the work....

24.01.2021 / Thoughts
The frozen Kola Bay
And then they tell me: #-Floodplain's frozen. What does that mean? It means we should pack up and go there to see for ourselves....

11.09.2020 / Thoughts
Underwater world and astrophotography
I also love the underwater shots! Anything not typical, anything unusual that goes beyond the expected and standard. Patterns.