Tag: emotion

Одиночество и тепло рядом
Нас ежедневно окружают десятки, а кого-то и сотни разных людей. При этом человек не перестаёт зачастую быть одиноким. Одиночество в…

Self-love: a sincere emotion
Love. So many definitions, everyone has their own. You know what it means to love, but he doesn't love you like you love him....

Doing business with your own hands: significance and recognition
Should, must. Flattery, praise... Much of what we desire remains unnoticed, and in some cases is perceived, but exclusively....

Discovering new places
I would never be a Pilgrim, but sometimes I really, really want to be one. Why and why do I...

Going back in time
It's so great to go back in time, opening a photo album over and over again... Alas, it's only since 2014 that there's a small...

The endless beauty of Murmansk
Endlessly beautiful Murmansk. Remembering myself in my past life, and could not have imagined that my attitude to nature would have changed so much....