Tag: emotion

Moments of life
Всего лишь момент, знак или эмоция. Как же часто мы не замечаем, игнорируем или просто не придаём должного/достаточного внимания событиям…

The present: perception and reality
The real...Often we see the real not as the other person sees it. By the condition of being real, you choose what you want.....

The poem is my love
More than once talked about his love for paintings. Raised questions of self-realization, inspiration and creativity. From time to time, among others, there are posts with...

Живое против пластика
Слишком много пластика…. Где-то, когда-то я говорил об этом. Да! Живого и настоящего вокруг нас всё меньше и меньше. Даже…

A vacation without patterns
A city of a different format. Everyone has the ability to rest and relax, but the formats of this rest and relaxation are very different from each other....

Creativity: a life in the making
Create. We are truly realized, discovered and free when we create. The black as you see it, or exactly the same....