Tag: effect

Laziness and Development
And what's next... Have you asked yourself this question? For some reason this question is very closely associated with one interesting song - "Stupid". We, uh.

Мясо, овощи и алкоголь: День автомобилиста
Много мясной продукции, свежие овощи и…. литры крепкого алкоголя. Всё по случаю “Дня автомобилиста”, который организованно отмечает наш транспортный отдел….

Охота за северным сиянием 2020-2021
На знаю можно ли считать это неким трендом, но “охота за северным слиянием” приобретает безумно какой-то особый статус зимы 2020-2021…

Condiments for life
A little pepper, a pinch of salt and a grating of cheese - like a recipe dish. A little more bright color and shade in the corner, add...

Emotional dependency
If even a through wound from betrayal or naive hopes can't be closed the "right" way, how can you close that...

In search of a new style
Another attempt to make a shot underwater... Alas, but too dirty is our water in the city limits to be able to examine.....