Tag: change

Human Evolution: An Insider's View
Again about life and people. Is it possible and does a person change? On the one hand, unambiguously changes - grows up, gets smarter, well...

April turning points
In hindsight...it was in April that events happened, sometimes life-changing, sometimes just colorful. Let's say seven years ago, I was in....

Truth, Lies and Self-Knowledge
It’s strange, but right now, at this moment, I thought about the concepts of “I believe” and “I don’t believe”. Whom do I not believe? No…

Artificial vs. natural
So dense and permanent has retouching entered our lives, applied with just a few clicks, jabs and laser shots,...

An alternative path to salvation
And for some reason, I was reminded of a story from the distant past. Finding myself in an absolute void, without awareness, acceptance, readiness... I don't remember, were....

Поток мыслей: меняющаяся жизнь
Как #облака, мысли набегают так стремительно и в таком объёме, что любая мелочь рушит всю цепочку. Как в одной из…