Tag: bottom line

14.10.2023 / Thoughts
Thinking and social response
Thinking. Standard, generic thinking that leads to one outcome - a socially expected response. It's not about a specific case. In general: at...

18.10.2020 / Thoughts
Trunk and sores: how to accept and forgive?
And about them again... #FilterFree. Throughout life, a host of growths appear, from small crusts to ulcers affecting the trunk. Earlier ...

18.07.2020 / Thoughts
My eternal writing soul
I feel like I could write forever... You know it's important to find someone who knows how to listen, someone with whom.....

29.12.2019 / Thoughts
Is it worth it to think about and delve into these “woulds”? This most likely comes with experience, but… the obvious…

19.02.2019 / Thoughts
Relationships: a perpetual struggle and choice
The topic of relationships is like the topics of good and evil, like Android and iPhone, black and white are eternal. I love life... A huge river,.....