Tag: history

Unique Summer: My Story
This has been a unique summer in my life. It's unique very much in my today...it's unique and truly mine! #MyMix brought...

Life is a wealth of stories
It's been a long time since I've used words like: don't love, don't want, don't know, don't believe, don't...

История и современность: сходства и различия
Никогда не любил историю, а всё больше увлекает современность, технологии и маркетинг. При всём при этом особняком стоит #ВОВ и…

Touring museums: disappointment and discovery
Museum Trip. Museums were once long ago firmly associated with something historical. I've never liked history, but here, apparently, as...

Spring changes
Summers. And you begin to realize the cyclical nature of history, of life, of events. Almost every spring there is a turning point in my life.....

A life of color: heartfelt moments
Something naively childlike, to the point of amazement simple and kind, to the point of toenail sincerity, lightness... something that we see at a distance, where....