Tag: source

23.10.2023 / Thoughts
A priceless soul and endless vanity
Against the wind. And yes, we love it... against the wind, by all means (funny spelling - all separate ?)....

19.08.2023 / Thoughts
Pleasures: types and sources
Pleasure. Sources of pleasure are many... for some, the real pleasure is only at the thought and memory of mint ice cream, for others from: food, sex, ....

08.03.2022 / Thoughts
The mechanics of goal achievement: simple and effective
Goal-setting, as well as in principle a goal... Is it a real source of some kind of charge and stimulus to movement, advancement? Is it only a designated,...

19.09.2020 / Thoughts
Sources of inspiration
А что для вас является источником вдохновения? Эмоциональный подъём тут же скатывается в низы при виде шаблоностей и избитых форм,…

29.11.2019 / Thoughts
Truth in conversation
In conversation, truth is born... That's the conventional wisdom. Any problem, dispute or confusion finds a solution if we discuss the source, causes and...